Choice is your power. Every relationship, situation, thought, belief…EVERYTHING that is part of your experience is present because you choose it to be.
The thing about choices is that, many times, we make them without even realizing we’re making them. Instead of consciously making a choice, we just let our default programming (unconscious mind) choose for us, usually because it’s easier and more comfortable, and we tend to stick with what we know. When trying to make positive changes in our lives, this can be one of the biggest challenges that we are faced with.
I’m going to share a letter I received from a client who used the Faster Emotional Freedom Technique (F-EFT) to make the sometimes very hard choice of leaving a relationship.
I was in a relationship with someone who I’d known for a while. We had a lot of memories together, enjoyed similar things, and had a very strong chemistry. Slowly our friendship evolved into a romantic relationship.
At the time we began dating, I had a gut feeling that this relationship wasn’t right for me. Horrified at the thought of losing this person, I made a choice to ignore the feeling, and chose to stick around. Our relationship continued, and even though subtle feelings and signs kept showing up that this relationship wasn’t healthy for me, I still chose to stay.
At one point in the relationship, it almost became a joke with two sides of myself—my naive side saying, “Everything is great,” while my intuitive side said, “OK…I’m going to be quiet since you don’t want to hear what I have to say. You’ll see.”
After enough times of my intuition being proven right, I chose to take a break from the relationship. When I made this choice, I was really conflicted. On one side, being with this person made me feel great and I enjoyed the time we shared. On the other side, I knew that their presence in my life was holding me back in a lot of ways, and I wasn’t being the best version of myself. Even though we both felt strongly towards each other, we just weren’t on the same wavelength.
During our break, I really reflected on what I wanted from a romantic relationship. I came to the conclusion that although this relationship met some of the criteria I desired in a relationship, the negatives outweighed the positives. It was clear to me that this person wasn’t aligned with what I wanted, and that’s when I then made the choice to exit the relationship.
Using the tapping techniques that I learned, I was able to release all of the conflicting emotions that were keeping me from getting clear about the choice that I needed to make.
Letting go is never easy—especially when its someone you really love—but ultimately, I chose myself.
Nelly’s taping methods gave me the clarity I needed to sort through my conflicting emotions, and arrive at a place where I was able to reclaim my power.
A huge lesson my client learned from this relationship was the importance of trusting their gut. If something feels off, then it probably is. Your intuition is always going to be honest with you. We get into trouble when our intuition tells us something we don’t want to hear and we ignore it. Chances are that if there’s something you have your heart set on, and your intuition says it’s a bad idea, there’s something else 100 times better waiting for you. Don’t try to force things. Divine timing is always right on time.
Another big lesson was the importance of making a choice, and staying committed. Sometimes we make a choice, and then shortly after, we backtrack and go back to the way things were before. In order for real change to occur we must stay committed to our choices.
If there’s something in your life that you know deep down that it’s time to change: do it. There’s something so much better then you could possibly imagine on the other side, and you deserve it.