Often, I am asked one question

Often, I am asked the question, what kind of occupation do I have? My answer is that I help people teach people and teach them a happier way of thinking, which can directly have a positive impact around them and it helps people to improve in all areas of their lives. This includes, but is not limited to relationships, money, health, children, parents, jobs, etc. How often in our lives, do we define ourselves by our occupation, the position in our family, or our work, and the amount of money that we make?

Recently, I was in a very challenging situation of my own and I share this story as an example for you. People who know me are aware that my life, like the lives of many others, was not always a beautifully paved highway.

We all have our challenges to deal with and it seems like there are many others who have had quite a few bumps in the road as well. Nevertheless, there is some difference between being challenged by taking care of our aged parents or grandparents when they are not doing well, and when we have to deal with a sudden health emergency of our significant other.

How often in our lives, do we leave things to do for tomorrow? We deprive ourselves of the joy in a moment. Most of us have been taught that we have to work hard in order to have money for a comfortable retirement. Reasoning that I would rather be uncomfortable and work 40, 60, or 80 hours a week now, knowing that I will be more comfortable in my later years.

Many times in my life, and in my coaching practice, I meet people with this kind of thinking. Myself included. Comfortable retirement, a secure retirement, or early retirement? It is all about then. But what about now?

Please don’t get me wrong. I have no opposition towards working, nor for a comfortable retirement. But, what I am totally for, is having fun, joy, and laughter in our daily lives. Be happy by enjoying small and large positive events in our daily life. From blue skies and birds singing, good healthy meals, conversation with a friend, to something more significant like a good state of health, a new car, remodeling the house, having a baby or a grandbaby.

We have been taught the plan. First, get an education, get married, have children, put them through college, and only after that do you finally have some freedom and fun. We earned it. Right?

That’s good if we still have some energy remaining in order to have fun. If not? Then what? This is the story of my life this year. Perhaps you can relate, or learn something from it.

It seemed that we had finally come to a place of our long-awaited freedom after our children were grown and living their young adult lives. That’s when the health of my significant other started to decline.

Really? Now? When we are finally free of all our caretaking duties? I felt I couldn’t even express the storm of emotions that I was experiencing. I have to be loving, understanding, compassionate…

What I experienced was the total opposite. After dealing with the initial fear of possibly losing him, (fortunately, he is doing well now) my anger arose like a Phoenix bird from the ashes.

I could not find compassion in me and that made me feel even worse. And of course, our body follows our thoughts. My back started to hurt in order to distract me from the stress I was feeling.

Finally, after dealing with this situation myself, with the stress, and the pain, for a week, I asked myself what would I suggest to my child if she or he were to come to me for advice on this subject? Or, what I would suggest to a client in a similar situation?

Of course, I reminded myself about the tools that I offer to my clients when they are dealing with such a challenge, and to create a life that we want.

First, we have to let go of stress, fear, and anger. In working with my many clients, I have found, there is nothing more efficient for this than Meridian tapping and guided imagery.

What if I would visualize the best possible outcome for us? What if I would see us healthy? And when I felt resistance, I was tapping.

I focused on the emotions, which were far from pleasant. And on images and sounds that created stress. I focused on how they are represented in my body? Where did I have and hold tension?

And I tapped on all of it.

Then, I asked myself how do I know if I really have a problem? And what do I believe about it? Who would I be if this problem were gone?

I invite you to take a journey within if you experience any challenges such as these, in your life. Be honest with yourself. Realizing that when the challenge is gone, the colors of life would shine much brighter.

In conclusion to my story, after I tapped on all my emotions, one by one, and practice visualization of good health in our lives, we are now planning a trip to Mexico and to Europe, for next year.

For more information on how tapping and visualization can be helpful for you, please contact me to answer your questions. It is amazing how quickly it works and how powerful the response is in our minds.

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