How The Intent Of Thought Can Help Grow A Better Head Of Hair

The power of focus and thought can direct you towards your heart’s desire, your dream life. Sometimes your dream can become a reality in a matter of fifteen minutes simply by using Faster Emotional Transformation, or FasterEFT. This methodology is quite effective when trying to overcome a personal limitation that stands between you and your heart’s desire. This power of focus can happen anywhere, and not just in a professional office. One can achieve control over their most vexing personal issue when they take pause to focus, and utilize the powerful therapeutic results of FasterEFT. With ease, you can gain the major benefits listed below.

  • Gain control over an issue that has control over you.
  • See immediate, positive results in how you feel about this issue.
  • Over time, use FasterEFT to continue growing in a more empowered direction in life.


I am Nelly Mezir, a certified Hypnotist (C.Ht) master of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Faster Emotional Transformation (FasterEFT, or FEFT) and a Master Life Coach. For more comprehensive details, see my curriculum vitae at I have worked with Robert Smith, Developer of the FasterEFT Method, and applied this powerful tapping method, and applied this powerful tapping method extensively to my life coaching work. My clientele have found great results. Having worked with what Robert Smith describes as a thinking, and healing system, I typically incorporate the FasterEFT tapping method. These proven results and powerful techniques have been a permanent part of my arsenal of self-empowering tools for some time. For more information on what FasterEFT can do for you, visit my website, or feel free to say hello on my Facebook page, I would very much enjoy hearing from you.

A client challenged with her inherited physical issue came to my attention via serendipity. Having entered the apothecary department of a retail store, I engaged in conversation with a young woman working there that I will call Sue. She was taking a large amount of supplements for her issue, an inherited condition named female pattern baldness (FPB). Sue confided, “It runs in the family. My mother isn’t doing anything about it, and her hair is thin. I’m not going to do that.” As a response to her inherited FPB she routinely took these supplements to ensure that she would not end up like her family. The girl went on to tell me how she was losing her hair, sure that it was hereditary since her mother, and grandmother had had the same issue. I posed a question, “Do you realize that by saying all of the above you just signed a verdict for baldness for yourself?” “Yes” she replied, “but my mom told me…” she now went on to erase every positive thing that she said before about the power of her choice of taking supplements. Next came the whole family story.

What Sue’s undoing may well have been, was her mental and emotional approach towards a physical DNA link to FPB. What supported this undoing were her arguments in favor of this illnesses. She had plenty. She professed, “This runs in my genes, I inherited that …” I felt  the blank, or debilitating energy of saying, “Nothing I can do about it, it is all because of my mom, dad, etcetera” “ This mental argument for her condition could be a huge contributing factor to her FPB. Know that Sue’s situation does in fact illustrate an all too common scenario, the specifics of the condition aside. Quite often people argue for their limitations rather than to argue for their triumph over that limitation. So, as she continued to argue for her limitations, I witnessed her desperate mental state. Her emotional state was laced with feelings of helplessness. She felt like a victim of her DNA-linked condition, an unspoken argument for her limitations. Could this be a self-fulfilling prophecy? Of course.  

How I helped Sue, and others like her when I heard all those self-defeating phrases was to begin to educate them. I explained that even if our parents believed in something that did not mean that my client had to do the same..Her parents did not know anything else, nor did they have effective tools to deal with it personally.

Today we have a choice. We can choose to do one of two things, to repeat this debilitating behavior, or let it go. By repeating this behavior we are drowning in beliefs acquired through negative example. By giving these negative beliefs our attention, we are ensuring the

loss of our own power of choice. We have an inherent right to choose for ourselves.

In this day and age we can set ourselves free from foreign beliefs that block the possibility of achieving our desired dream life.

That day with Sue in the Apothecary department, I treated her. I asked her to visualize herself with a full head of hair while using the FasterEFT tapping method. I talked her calmly through the process of tapping on certain areas of her face, while reciting away her doubt with progressively positive phrases. Together we quickly turned her self-doubt into self-empowerment. This short fifteen minute session gave her noticeable results. The simple act of focusing on ridding herself of her unwanted anxiety, her mood became lighter. She then was able to give herself a clear mind, which enabled her to consider the possibility of having a head full of hair. This all happened within fifteen minutes. All doubt was tapped away by her own hand, and her own words.

The results of FasterEFT is sometimes immediate and everlasting. It is one of the most effective modalities that I use to help my clients achieve everything their heart desires. After each session most people feel good physically, emotionally and mentally, just like Sue. They feel better about themselves and their choices. This result is available to all. After each and session you will feel progressively better. Consider now to be the time to set yourself free. Move forward to systematically, and over time, claim your new life.

What can be yours is the ability to begin making better choices over time. By gaining focus, and the ability to choose freely, you will continue to make good choices. With repetition over time, those first choices, will eventually become automatic responses. The FasterEFT tapping method can get you to that state of freewill, of freedom of choice so you can more easily move in the direction of the life you have always pictured in your mind. When you make the first freewill choice, it will lead to the next, and the next, until you find yourself where you always wanted to be in life. You begin your journey by knowing that you will start in this moment.

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